Thiên đường để lại một lỗ hổng trong trái tim bạn. Nhưng tùy thuộc vào bạn nếu cái lỗ đó sẽ tràn ngập nỗi đau, sự tức giận và bóng tối vĩnh cửu của sự mất mát. . .Or if you will choose to fill it with light and love and have that hole shine out of you like a spotlight into your life, keeping their memory alive . . .Tuỳ bạn.
Heaven left a hole in your heart. But it’s up to you to choose if that hole will be filled with pain, anger, and the eternal darkness of loss . . .Or if you will choose to fill it with light and love and have that hole shine out of you like a spotlight into your life, keeping their memory alive . . .It’s up to you.
Tessa Shaffer, Heaven Has No Regrets