Động lực của bạn là gì khi bạn đến nhà thờ là gì? Để cho ăn hay được cho ăn? Để phục vụ hoặc được phục vụ? Để thờ phượng hay được tôn thờ? Để khen ngợi hay được ca ngợi? Dạy hoặc học? Để cho hoặc nhận? Blind Barthimus bị mù mặc dù anh ta có thể nghe không thấy Chúa Giêsu nhưng đã nghe về Chúa Giêsu đi qua
What is your motive when you go to church? To feed or to be fed? To serve or to be served? To worship or to be worshipped? To praise or to be praised? To teach or to learn? To give or to receive?Remember the woman with the issue of blood did not met Jesus in the church. Blind barthimus was blind though he could hear did not see Jesus but heard about Jesus passing
I am just wondering how many people have heard about Jesus through you?Who was this man interested in? Your answer might be Jesus of course but definitely not. The man loves himself and so was seeking healing even when the crowd could not allow him see Jesus.Let the crowd in the church not deceive you because God usually speak to one. (A bit deep).