Mọi thứ xảy ra
Mọi thứ xảy ra Everything happens some get hurt maybe a fairy tale of damage but nature can’t be change. We just walk away with memories that carries a story being made after as history. Châm ngôn sống ngắn gọn
Mọi thứ xảy ra Everything happens some get hurt maybe a fairy tale of damage but nature can’t be change. We just walk away with memories that carries a story being made after as history. Châm ngôn sống ngắn gọn
Không thấy mọi người ở đâu ngày hôm nay và nghĩ rằng họ đã luôn ở đó Don’t see where people are today and think they have always been there it took a journey of faith. Châm ngôn sống ngắn gọn